How Time Does Fly !
Goodness, it seems like I publish a post and bam! (nods to Emeril) days have gone by. So many of you are busy busy ...busy getting so many things accomplished I am a bit envious. The fabulous Jenny of Old Bag New Tricks is getting a Magical Frog Pond installed, the Deco Diva of Hummadeedledee is doing her summer decorating (around some shopping of course), Sweet Sonya of Crafts and Collectibles has been busy creating, Amy of Inspire Company is hosting a Club Little House swap along with all the other fabulous things she does, and one of my favorite artists, who is like me in the Middle of Nowhere only on a different continent, has just had some new note cards published and is soon opening an E-Bay shop (you might want to get on the list to be notified when). Check out their blogs (listed on the right) and see how clever they all have been!
Sigh, I feel so slothful and lazy for I still haven't finished re-arranging our bedroom. Above is a picture of the wall on my SweetiePies side of the bed. ( Yes, that's us on the little lovebird shelf back when we first became lovebirds. :) That's all I can show you of the room without totally embarrassing myself. I will try to have something accomplished by Wednesday...promise.
My wish for you: may you always have friends to cheer you on!
And Francie, thanks so much for the kind remarks on my wee blog. I'm feeling a little post-partum blues now that the book is done. Your post was exactly the pick-me-up I needed
...and I love your blog, check it frequently to see if there is a new bit because as much as you ARE a wonderful writer, I am a reader (which is why I know it all :)) and without creative, funny, witty writers like you there wouldn't be much for me to read. so there.(as in "so there it is" not in a nah nah nanny way)