First for the GOOOD news, as per Mrs. Glosser the winner of the bird nest ornament is Patricia...you can visit her sweet shop by clicking her name Patricia Rose
For this weeks give away I am offering stickers, scraps, notecards, embellishments etc. etc. etc. a whole lot more than you see in the photo. Anyone who leaves a comment will be entered !
A couple of years ago....ohhhhhkay more like three...a large retail store was closing out it's craft department and I saw sheets of wooden tags marked waaaaaay down. Well I thought how nice it would be to decorate them and put them on the larger items at the Cottage.
So I bought and brought home and took them off the wooden "sheet", carefully separated them, put them in baggies and put them where I would be sure to get to them quickly. Ummmmmmm hmmmmm ... well when everyone started making these beautiful tags...(you can go see some beautiful ones at Noelle Garrett Designs) I remembered the wooden tags. Darlin's I have searched and hunted and tore several rooms apart at the Cottage AND at home. I spent several frustrating hours and days looking for those darn tags!
So, you know that when I was NOT looking for them I almost tripped over them ! Of course now that I've found them...I don't have time to get to them ha ha ha. Okay Sweeties, what have you bought and put away only to find it later, much much later?
We really want to know, honest it will make ME feel much mo' bettah if you tell on yourself too.
My wish for you: IF you put something away, may you know right where you left it...and if you should forget may it be a wonderful surprise when you DO find it. (())
P.S. If you want to see a bit of PARIS you should go to my friend Jenny's blog...Miss Jennys Blog She just got back from a dream trip to PARIS and other parts of Europe and is sharing photos and stories!
Susan *dutchrose*
I had stashed away a huge number of counted cross stitch kits with the idea that 'some day' I'd get to them. They have resurfaced and to my chagrin, someday must have been a few years ago. I can't see the fabric well enough to do the counting.
i put stuff away all of the time amongst my mess ( and I mean mess) and most of the time I can actually find it. How scary is that. My best friend put my birthday gift away last July ( my bday is August 5) and just found it last Thursday in an old pocketbook while trying to find her daughter's DS. Late gifts are always fun. I'm glad she found it. It was putting her over the edge!
It's always so much fun to visit you! You have so many goodies stashed away. It really is so sweet that you have so many giveaways. I can picture some of my mini pillows on those tags. Hint, Hint..lol
Janets Creative Pillows
Okay okay okay....I just found some orphaned chandelier drops I'd intended to repurpose as "something", I too have a ginormous blue bin of yard I was gonna make scarves from and never did, and I am forever putting the packing tape where I can find it and then can never go back to it! lol I also just found the woven pearl bridal headpiece I intended to create my veil from in 1999! I couldn't find it the week before I got married, so I improvised...with what I don't know...but I did.
So there you have it....my personal scavenger hunt! xoxo Andie
I know what you mean, I am always misplacing things. I wish I could get organized! I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I knew where everything was! Have a nice week!
Shabby Shan's Cottage
My camera was lost for a year and a half. I got a new one and then the old one turned up. I tore the house up looking for it. All I had to do was spend several hundred dollars and it shows up.
I am always hiding things from myself....then they pop up when I least expect them...LOL
Susie of The Polka Dot Rose
Thanks for having a fabulous giveaway! The wooden tags, embellishments are all so wonderful, and I bet they will make any crafter more than happy to have them!
Pei Li
I once bought Sarah a beautiful nightgown when she was a baby. It was not in our budget but I bought it anyway. It was a little big so I put it in a drawer and totally forgot about it. I found it very near to her first day of school five years later! Thankfully, Rebecca got to enjoy it.
Thank you for the nod. ((())) You are speaking to me here. My problem is I get things I plan on using and "hide" them in plain site. I will tear the house apart looking and they end up being right in front of me. LOL Those wooden tags are amazing by the way. How fun would they be? Wow! Have a lovely week and thank you again!
Wow what great finds! I have a workroom full of hidden treasures. I am a very messy, unorganized crafter. lol Wishing you a wonderful Monday!
Love the tags.
francie, must we divulge all our shamefull secrets? okay, I probably have a few thingies in the garage that i bought a l o n g time ago. to do something with. Happy now??
xo Lidy
ps. heavenly music.
The tags and stickers, however, would be a nice consolation :)
Check out my blog and it may offer some glimpse as to WHY I am so disorganized
Thanks for keeping it REAL!