Today we honor them...

Please take some time today to honor the men and women who served our country and to appreciate the sacrifices they and their families gave so we could continue to have the freedoms we still cherish.

Mrs. Glosser chose a number for the Cottage Charm give away and the recipient of the teacup is Kyria Baker.   Kyria please email me with your home address and I will get the tea cup out to you.  (())


Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio Fiksioner is a free template that suitable for personal blogging because the layout is like a journal.


Dreamrose said…
Though I'm not an American I salute them for their bravery,not only in your own land but in other countries as well.In our history,American soldiers and Filipinos fought side by side to restore our democracy.
✩Happy Memorial Day!✩

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