I am excited about this Pink Friday...Stitches in Time. I love needlework of any type. I appreciate the time and patience it takes and can't help but think of the loving hands and hearts that took the time to create each item. I am really happy that I have a cross stitch with the motto of most of the Ladies at Make Mine Pink ... Chocolate The Four Basic Food Groups :). It's also free shipping for this Pink Friday so be sure and take advantage of the offer, it will end on Saturday. You can find the link for all the participating MMP shops by clicking here:
Pink FridayI am still recuperating from the wonderful MMP Retreat and trying to get caught up. It seems to take me a little longer to do both every year LOL.
My wish for you: May you always get something each day from at least one of the Basic Four Food Groups cross stitch.
Oh yes the chocolate. I always knew it was a food group. You just confirmed it for me!!! LOL