Happy Birthday October Babies !

Can you believe I almost missed the start of October?
"There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on the feelings, as now in October." ~Nathaniel Hawthorne
"While other birds fly South Sparrows stay..."
October birthstones = opal, tourmaline flower= calendula, cosmos or marigold...marigold means "winning grace". Well I don't know about winning grace but if you post a comment or comments any time during the month of October you will be entered in our October birthday give away...we especially like to hear about your or a loved ones October birthday ! So HAPPY BIRTHDAY October babies.
The winner of our September give away is: LISA from Pale Pink and Roses ... email me Lisa ! You can visit Lisa's beautiful shop here Pale Pink and Roses I think you will love her beautiful, romantic style.
My wish for you: Lots of pleasant and sunny places to enjoy. (())
October is full of birthdays in my family! My stepmom on the 6th, my dad on the 8th, my grandma Bessie on the 12th, ME on the 13th, my oldest son on the 20th. Needless to say, we stay pretty busy!Happy Birthday to all the others lucky enough to be born in the best month! heehee!
Susie of The Polka Dot Rose
I am just packing up your order right now, I will mail it first thing tomorrow!! I hope you like it. Have a great day. Miss ya, gail
Good Luck to all who enter
Thank you Francie xoxo
Janet Bernasconi
Janet's Creative Pillows
I don't know about your family but October is a big one in mine. My BD is this month and so is my brothers and my future DIL! I also have a lot of friends that have Oct. BD's too. I think we are all getting together to celebrate at once. Woo hoo!
My dear daughter Melissa is an October baby, she was born on the 13th, she's turning 37 this month. She has such a vibrant aura about her, beautiful, talented, yet humble. We grew up together, and are the greatest of friends. I have so much to be thankful for!
Have a perfect weekend my friend!
You know 'fabulous' is the new forty!
Susan *dutchrose*