An ti ci pa tion....An ti ci pa aaa tion...........

The Azaleas are in full bloom, ah yes. This is the time of year that makes living in the South worth it all....(the all being the heat, humidity and bugs :) ) This picture was just taken from my front porch we have azaleas all around it.
I am also anticipating a fabulous pillow from C'est Chouette. When I get it and post pictures you are going to want it too...but you will just have to go visit her web shop (link on right) and find the special one that has your name on it, because the one coming was definitely meant to be mine!
My wish for you today, is that it's always springtime in your heart and that you always have a lovely, soft pillow to sleep on.


Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio Fiksioner is a free template that suitable for personal blogging because the layout is like a journal.


Anonymous said…
Simply beautiful! I am sooo jealous. Out here in Northern Nevada, we still have good ol' brown dirt...altho9ugh my bulbs are beginning to peek through the soil. :)
Carol Bennett said…
Francie, wow! Those are just beautiful!! Hard to believe the azaleas are so pretty and it's not even mid-March yet! Lucky you! Thanks for posting the pics.
OldBagNewTricks said…
Francie - wow!!! Lucky lucky you... the azaleas AND a vintage needlepoint pillow from C'est Chouette. Makes a southern bell all weepy.

Vallen said…
I was just talking about azaleas with living as rosa. This is the time. I saw them once. it was the most beautiful site. Azala bushes as high as the sky with bright pink flowers. The eighth wonder it could be. Lucky you
Anonymous said…
gorgeous flowers!!!!
up here (western n. y.) we still have snow.........
