
Showing posts from November, 2007
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The Holiday Season...

The sights, the sounds , the scents....all bring back many memories. My Auntie used to make spiced tea , it was delicious but the scent was heavenly too. What are your favorite memories of this time of year? If you will share at least one memory then we will have a give away...the last day for e…

How Did It Get To Be Tuesday again so Quickly?

Well, I have been nursing two invalids instead of the past week just got away from me. My SweetiePie is a disabled Veteran, he was rated at 70% but manages to get around and do pretty well. Most of the time he just suffers in silence last week it caught up with him ... he has been flat …

Happy Tuesday...think Pink....

Ever get so behind some days that you almost catch up? Well I am far behind but not quite close enough to catch myself :) I have been working on a few things and one of them is to create a "Think Pink" category on the web shop. I have been taking pictures of various pink items and hop…

Gratitude Gala sent out an invitation for us to join in a Gratitude Gala where we all share what we are grateful for and the blessings in our lives. We are always grateful for the love of our heavenly father and I am so very grateful for the many chances he has given me…

Oh my, a cat post....trying week

Our sweet little purrbaby Wynona broke her hip. We have spent the last few days driving her to one vet and then another. It has been frustrating to say the least. We hope it is now sorted out and she will be operated on today and home tonight. Didn't get much done at the cottage...see above..…

Did I Say It was Fall....???

Well it warmed on up again...but I did get a couple of nice cool days in...I made a quick trip "up Nawth" and saw my GrandDOGters and the Prairie Pups...did a bit of shopping too, of course ! Now I have to get really really busy because I am behind...which is not in the least bit unusual …