White Wednesday and Wedding Bells

 My mother and daddy didn't have any wedding pictures...at least none that I know of.  They were married in New York and it was towards the end of the war to end all wars...so everyone thought.  My mother did have this little wedding topper on her cake, and I remember when she gave it to me.  She told me she knew I would treasure it because I was the one in the family that cared about those things.
I know for her it symbolized the start of an adventure and a very different life than she had known, one that would take her  from the glitz and glamour of New York city to tiny Texas towns, many of the United States and various foreign countries. She would have four children, two girls and two boys.  She would lose one of her boys in his teens. I was in college then and what I remember most, besides the overwhelming sorrow, was how my mother handled this time with grace and dignity even thought I knew her heart was broken into bits. She was always a lady.
This photo of them was taken shortly after they were married and he had moved her to Texas to be with his family.
  My mother and daddy were married for over fifty years.  In those days when you took a vow you kept it, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health.  My mother taught me manners and how to be a lady (I often apologized to her for my many slips) and my daddy taught me to be a woman of my word, to persevere and that a job worth doing was worth doing well.  In the South we would say that I had good raisin'.
Linking up with Steph for her annual   Blog Wedding Party , hope you'll stop by and visit the other participants.   Thank you for visiting and thank you for your sweet comments, I appreciate all of them.   Ya'll come back !


Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio Fiksioner is a free template that suitable for personal blogging because the layout is like a journal.


Lorilee said…
Thankyou for sharing their sweet story.
Anonymous said…
You have her smile Francie. :) xo
How sweet! My parents were married in the 50's and my Mom wore a suit with a fancy blouse and shoes I would die for now! thanks for the tip on the brush on mold I have never heard of it.

Arabella said…
What a sweet & heartfelt story - thank you for sharing!

Visiting from White Wed. -- Hope you're having a fabulous week.

Kay Ellen said…
Ahhh I love family memories~~special momentous & vintage photos of family are priceless:)

Bless you for sharing with us all~~

Happy White Wednesday

:Kay Ellen
Unknown said…
thanks for coming over and visiting my blog...

Patricia said…
Francie, what a beautiful story to have shared with us. Thank you.
Patricia Rose-A Potpourri
How wonderful that your mother entrusted such a precious cake topper to you. You must have a sentimental heart.

Your parents make such a beautiful couple! I'm so glad you have their cake topper as I know you will always cherish it! You know, Francie, this would make an awesome post for the Wedding blog party Friday!! If you have another ready, why not add both?!?!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
HI! I'm Tabitha said…
how fab u still have the cake topper. Ur such a doll francie.... miss u
Such wonderful memories and tribute and very well said! Thank you for stopping by with your kind, encouraging comments. Have a great day!
Unknown said…
Sweet story.......I will be married 43 years next week.....I know what that means to my daughter, so I know how special it must be to you.
shannon i olson said…
love this, I am hoping to get up and going a previous link party I used to host. This would be a great link for it! wonderful story
Hello sweet Francie
Lovely story of your mom and dad and I'm proud to also say that my parents brought me up with values and manners. I have instilled them in my children also. My mom married my dad after the war. My dad lost both his legs at age 22. My mom married him with his disability and they were married over 35 yrs. before he passed away at a young age of 58.
I can't wait to meet you in Oct. Francie. I know I will LOVE you.
Francie, I could see the book box like I did painted instead, You could do that! They would be so cute

Dear Francie, sooo glad you linked this beautiful tribute post to your sweet parents and their life together to my Wedding Blog Party! I've just re-read it again and love it! I can see why you are such a special person ~ they did an excellent job of raising you!

Angelic Accents
What a lovely post! Sounds like your parents raised you well and had a wonderful marriage. That is a great photo of the happy couple!
Thanks for your kind visit to my blog recently.
Take care,
Honey at 2805 said…
What a wonderful family treasure and sweet story. A great start for this Wedding Party!
Cindy Adkins said…
Oh wow, this is a beautiful, beautiful story!!! And what a gorgeous couple! Your parents were lucky to find each other and share so many special years together...it is wonderful and such an inspiration.
Celestina Marie said…
Hi Francie,
So nice to meet you. I simply love your post and it brings back memories of my own parents and they way I was also raised. My mother and dad also got married in 1945 just one month after my dad came home from service. There was no big wedding or pics for them either. No one had any money then to do much but get married and live forever after. They were married 53 years. What a small world.

I so enjoyed your post and so glad you linked up to Stephanie's party. I would love to follow you too, but the follower is not showing up on any blogs tonight or mine either. I'll come back tomorrow to try again. Blogger has been really glitching the last few weeks.

Hugs from Texas,
Celestina Marie
Charo said…
What a lovely story, so sweet memories!

Karie said…
Oh, how sweet! Love that you still have the cake topper. Some day mine will go to a granddaughter. Thanks for sharing. Karie
JudyBug said…
Love your story! So similar to my parents. No pics. He was in the Air Force. They married in MS and got on a train after the ceremony for New York City. They were married over 60 years before my mother passed.
Good raisin' will take you a long way, won't it? What a wonderful legacy your parents gave you. My parents didn't have any wedding pictures either; how great that you have the cake topper!
Debbie said…
You clearly had some "good raisin'"
I like what you said they each taught you. I would say you were very blessed.

And I'm so glad you saved the cake topper.
Jan Hennings said…
A beautiful love story and the topper is such a treasure! Great picture of your Mon and Dad, too :)
What a wonderful tribute to your parents. And yes, that is most definitely something to treasure.

It's too bad that people still don't raise children that way :(

Enjoy your memories!
Your story made me smile and gave me chills -- what a beautiful, beautiful pair your parents were! What legacies they passed on to you -- being a lady, having dignity, keeping your word . . . all things of the past sadly for most these days. And keeping vows, also sadly rare! How beautiful and striking a statement they make when these things DO appear today! Thanks for sharing your lovely story and photos -- you can see the joy in their faces in that picture!
Sweet post! What a beautiful couple they were. And sounds like they taught you well. I had a good rasin' too! We are blessed!
Splenderosa said…
What a wonderful story. My parents were the same. I never saw their wedding photos either, maybe because they didn't have any. I was brought up in Texas and I'm still in Houston.
Once you live in Texas you never want to leave. Come see my wedding post, it's whimsical & opulent...xx's
Unknown said…
Francie, I love your love story. Yes, wedding vows were seriously taken ... to last forever. What lovely memories to treasure. Such a beautiful photo.

Holly said…
Oh, Francie~ This is such a beautiful post and tribute to your family and all that is good! Thanks for sharing that.
many blessings!
Unknown said…
What a sweet story, You parents pic is just wonderful, I really enjoyed your post! Hugs Marilou
Dogmom Diva said…
Francie, what a sweet story of your wonderful parents. Mine have been married 60 years, we still have them and have they had a lot of history, too. God bless all our parents for what they have lived through.

Great story and thanks for sharing!

Rebecca said…
I could have very easily written this about my Mom. She gave me special things because she knew I would be the one that treasured them. I miss her terribly, as she has just been gone a little over a year. And with my parents, it was "death do us part". They had been married 58 years when she passed. Thank you for sharing your precious wedding story!

Hugs and Blessings,
Thanks so much for stopping by, I so appreciate it! My parents married before the war and had two children when he was drafted into the Navy, your post brought back so many great memories! I'm now a follower too!

orchid0324 said…
Oh, I loved your story about your parents♡♡♡ Lovely topper of the wedding cake!!!
I'm 55 years old and both of my parents taught me how to be a decent young lady(Hope I was,haha)
Thank you for your sweet comment. I wanted leave comment here.

Love, xoxo Orchid.