
Showing posts from June, 2007
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He Knows the Way to My Heart...

Roses are a sure bet when someone wants to say "I love you"...I will never turn them down :) but it's that much sweeter when your Honey knows that something you have been wanting truly says "I love you" because it means he was really thinking about you. Ah the roses are bea…

Found Goodies and SweetiePie update

Here are a few of the goodies I found on my last know ...when I went "up Nawth" past Atlanta? In the first picture only one of them is "new", the others I have had for some time. I love the way the potpourri looks (and smells) in them. Whenever I get roses I dry them …

Happy Trails to You....

Well they're off ! A two week trip to Montana, points North and back again. A happy re-union of comrades, brothers-in-arms...many reminisces, tall tales of daring do, harrowing tales of "we almost..." and "remember when..." I know they will have great fun. I will miss m…

...Home's good to be home

See my lovely GrandDOGters and GrandPupsters? This was the merging of two families, my precious new daughter had the prairie dogs, Squeak and Pip and my dear son had Shiloh (left) and Loki. Loki is a grand old gal and has some trouble getting around. They were both on me like white on rice...Gr…

A Give Away, A Road Trip and Other Things

In just a bit I'm leaving...heading "up Nawth" for business and pleasure. I'm going to babysit my GrandDogters while my son and his sweetie take a vacation and will get plenty of shopping in too. I love these trips, get to visit with family, eat out a lot AND spend money. Sigh, i…

Small Project...Big Results

A while ago I found this small's a foot and a half wide and just over two feet long. I really needed more space on top and more places to put things...I have lots of "things" like nail polish, eye shadow, blush etc. So off I went to one of my favorite stores, Lowe's…

How Time Does Fly !

Goodness, it seems like I publish a post and bam! (nods to Emeril) days have gone by. So many of you are busy busy ...busy getting so many things accomplished I am a bit envious. The fabulous Jenny of Old Bag New Tricks is getting a Magical Frog Pond installed, the Deco Diva of Hummadeedledee is …